
"Let it be" проект за peer-supervision се проведе в Унгария с българско участие

"Let it be" проект за peer-supervision се проведе в Унгария с българско участие

EgyuttHato – Унгария беше координатор на проект за равнопоставена супервизия в младежката сфера

Проектът разгледа възможностите на супервизията и peer-супервизията в младежката работа. Методът разглежда рефлексията сред равнопоставени партньори като едно от най-добрите средства за обобщение, анализ и намиране на решения. 

Представители на „Диабет и предиабет“ в проект за супервизията в Унгария

Наши представители участваха в проект, ръководен от EgyuttHato – Унгария на тема „Супервизия” и имаше за цел да разгледа начините, по които се извършва супервизията и кои са важните елементи и роли в нея.


Проектът бе финансиран от Erasmus+, в Банк, Унгария с още двадесет участници от Румъния, Полша, Унгария, Чехия, Кипър и Холандия. Партньор от българска странав проекта бе „Диабет и предиабет“. Включването в този проект беше изключително полезно за всеки един от българските участници.

Работният език по време на проекта беше английски и това помогна за подобряване на езиковите познания на участниците. Всички работеха и общуваха в интернационални групи, което беше не само полезно, но и приятно.

The project aims at increasing the quality of youth work through the development of capabilities of active trainers and facilitators active on the youth field by introducing and practicing the concept of peer supervision. Development of human capital allow the participants to implement higher quality youth projects, to tackle the objective of their projects in a more efficient way, contributing to the general aims of ERASMUS+ programme.

A horizontal aim of the project is to raise the awareness of professionals active in the non-formal education field that their daily work has to be supported continuously (or at least from time to time) with self-reflection and self-knowledge activities to help processing experiences gathered as youth workers. Methodology of the TC is diverse: it integrates tools related to NFE, psychology and psychotherapy, socio-therapy, respecting the competence limits of participants.

Learning outcome

As a main learning outcome of the project, participants get familiar with the use of peer supervision in their assignements of trainers/facilitators/youth workers.

The project develop social and personality-connected competences, participants learn new methods, learn from each other and develop a need and practice for regular and critical self-reflection. The following attitudes and skills are developed or changed: self-confidence, leadership skills, organizational skills, sense of initiative, respect for boundaries, communicational flexibility, interpersonal flexibility, ability to establish and keep emotional connection, cooperation, result-oriented planning and execution, ability to evaluate, critical and solution-oriented way of thinking, analytical thinking, ability to react properly.

Furthermore, the project develops the participants at the following areas: intercultural communication, multicultural attitude, tolerance and empathy, professional use of English, ICT tools.


About the main topic

The aim of supervision is professional-oriented personality development, exploring together the personal and group’s working optimum and reinforce personal and group’s efficiency. Supervision is the most efficient tool of self-reflective competence development in the XXI. century.

The supervisor is the impartial professional „outsider”, who focuses on strengths and improvement during the discussions. The supervisor is paying attention, listening, asking and reflecting without judging; motivating for self-knowledge process and professional development, offers new points of view; does not give direct advices, but gives inspiration for thinking on new ways and solutions.

The project involved experts (trainer, facilitator, mentor, coach) on the field of youth work and supervision from 7 countries (BG, CZ, HU, PL , RO, CY, NL), interested in: redefining their own professional profiles; acquiring new skills needed for dealing with disadvantaged youngsters; carifying their own aims; contributing in improving projects, active and experienced on the youth field, closely related to partner organizations as regular or contract-based educators.

The programme was based on discussions, active participation.



Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/EgyuttHato

Website: http://egyutthato.eu/
