
Тренинг Performing ( Social ) Media в Австрия с българско участие

Тренинг Performing ( Social ) Media в Австрия с българско участие

Kinderfreunde бе координатор на тренинга с тема социални медии.

От българска страна взеха участие представители от „Диабет, предиабет и метаболитен синдром“. Участниците учеха по метода „учене чрез споделяне“. Oбучението се финансира по програма „Еразъм +“.



Според нашите участници тренингът е бил организиран много добре, с перфектна логистика и активност от всички участници и тренери.


Мина от нашите участници споделя за тренинга: “Преживяването беше наистина неповторимо и уникало. Никога не съм се сближавала и доверявала на непознати толкова бързо. Тренерите бяха много съобразителни и тактични, изкараха ни от конфортните ни зони и ни стимулираха да импровизираме, колкото е може повече. Без време да премисляш, задачите всичко се случваше толкова естествено и истинско. Впечатлена съм изключително много. Със сигурност това ще остане един много силен и емоционален спомен за мен!"


Темата на проекта бе социалните медии и как да ги използваме по-ефективно в работата си с младежите.


The project aims: To promote intercultural learning through social media and media technology, To promote the role of the media technology as a tool for extending social messages, To involve more deeply youth into media technology through non-formal methods, To develop digital, social and creative skills of youth including youth with fewer opportunities.


Needs and issues that the project influenced through the project are: To work with youth with fewer opportunities, using media technology as a method to give them a chance for social adaptation and social realization, to reduce the risk of social exclusion. To increase opportunities and personal growth for all participants.

To create an active youth community and improve communication of youth. The media technology has on the one hand an impact on the participation of youngsters improving their digital skills and on their social integration on the other. Social media and media technology encourages youngsters to make efforts and enhances their collective spirit; it prevents them from becoming isolated.


The project and the follow-up activities will influence on the local youth communities, and will have wide positive effect on local, national and international level on:

-young people, their communities and families will increase their knowledge and skills in field of topic

-young people will improve their capability for successful self-realization

The project will promote youth mobility and social inclusion in youth communities

-the project will promote democracy and tolerance, intercultural learning

-the young people will be more proactive

-the project will show up what are the opportunities in front of the young people in Erasmus + Program and in taking part in international projects

On local level: the project aims to promote activities, which are meant to increase youth activity. All NGOs are encouraged to be more open for new ideas and methods and to be ready to work with different target groups.

On a national level the influence of the project will be that NGOs would find ways to give the opportunity to young people to interact and exchange information and ideas, to know each other, better understanding of the different cultures.

On a international level the project will give chance to young people from different countries to meet different nations and cultures, to expand their horizon about the national characteristics and cultural differences.

The project will promote understanding, democracy and establishment of international contacts and implementation of international projects. It will be promoted cooperation, building a network of youth organizations with sustainable partnership and future joint projects.

