
Vector-borne Infections in Horses from Southwestern Bulgaria: a Preliminary Report

20th Symposium of Epizootiologist and Epidemiologist (20th Epizootiology Days), 18-20 April 2018, Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia

Tsachev I, Pantchev N, Baymakova M, Marutsov P, Gospodinova K. Anaplasma phagocytophilum, Borrelia burgdorferi and Ehrlichia spp. infections in horses from Southwestern Bulgaria: a preliminary report (Oral presentation). 20th Symposium of Epizootiologist and Epidemiologist (20th Epizootiology Days), 18-20 April 2018, Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia. – Book of Abstracts, p. 140.


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Гл. ас. д-р Магдалена Баймакова, д.м.

Специалист "Инфекциозни болести"

15 май 2018

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Vector-borne Infections in Horses from Southwestern Bulgaria: a Preliminary Report
