
Проф. Райнке избран за бъдещ президент на Европейското дружество по ендокринология

Проф. Райнке избран за бъдещ президент на Европейското дружество по ендокринология

Професор Мартин Рейнке от Германия е избран за президент на Европейското дружество по ендокринология за предстоящия мандат 2021-2023. От 2019 до 2021 г. той ще заема позицията на бъдещ избран президент. Проф. Райнке е бил президент на Германското дружество по ендокринология (DGE). Той е професор по вътрешна медицина с фокус ендокринология и е директор на Медицинската клиника Innenstadt към Университета "Лудвиг Максимилиан" в Мюнхен. Неговите научни интереси са в областта на заболяванията на надбъбреците, Синдром на Кушинг, кардиоваскуларна ендокринология, хипертония, минерални кортикоиди и регулация на калиево-натриевия баланс. 


Ето какво се казва в неговото обръщение към европейските ендокринолози след избора му (публикуваме без съкращения и промени):

Statement: Views and visions 2021-2023

As a strong believer in the values of Europe I have gladly apply for the position of the next president of ESE in 2019. Since its foundation in 2006, I have been a strong and continuous supporter of the European Society of Endocrinology, its activities and congresses. I was elected in 2010 as an executive member, and it was a fantastic experience to serve on the ESE council. I joined a dedicated and gifted group of colleagues who developed the at that time still young society into today’s wealthy, professional and successful structure. The basis for its success is the unique creative potential of our ESE network of clinicans, basic scientists and healthcare professionals. I would feel extremely privileged to serve this thriving and powerful society as the next president starting 2021.


My term as president will follow on those of past-president Prof. Aart Jan van der Lely from Rotterdam (2015-2019) and current president Prof. Andrea Giustina from Milano (2019-2021). Prof. van der Lely has initiated fundamental changes within the European Society. On one hand, he has professionalized the society by hiring our chief executive officer Helen Gregson in 2016, followed by several more positions filled in recent years (you can find a complete list here: https://www.ese-hormones.org/about-us/our-team/). And he initiated the eight Focus Areas to ensure that ESE is effectively covering the spectrum of topics and needs within endocrinology.


Prof. Giustina has developed his visions on the basis of these achievements. His strategy aims at inclusion: inclusion of societies and disciplines close to endocrinology and ESE, and, as a consequence, further increases in the membership of our society to be really representative for European endocrinologists. You can read his plans on these pages.

What will be my vision for ESE 2021-2023?

First of all, I will dedicate my energy and enthusiasm to support the Andrea Giustina in his goals. Second, I will use the next two years learn everything about the needs of the members of ESE and of our national societies, to shape the future of ESE, its continuing success and further growth.


1.) I share the view of Andrea Giustina: With political Europe walking through steep challenges I consider it to be extremely important to reach out to those thousands of European endocrinologists who currently do not affiliate with ESE. This has to be done with a great sense of community between ESE and our Affiliated National Societies. A strong ESE requires strong national societies. We need continuous energetic efforts to increase ESE membership and to include in the near future >50% of the 18.000 endocrinologists working in Europe.


2.) ESE should stand for a dynamic young scientist community with excellent clinical and basic early career opportunities. We will have to nurture the next generations of endocrinologists and guarantee our society growth. Therefore, I will put special emphasis on education, at every level and every age. We also need a strategic plan to reach out for optimal funding scheme at the European level for both rare and common endocrine diseases.


3.) And finally, excellent science at our the European Congress of Endocrinology, high quality guidelines, top quality education programmes and strong advocacy efforts with European governing bodies should turn ESE into the voice to be heard in Europe. ESE should be the key global player of European endocrinology.


Martin Reincke


Източник: https://www.ese-hormones.org/news/ese-news/update-from-the-ese-president/

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