За мен

Mrs Jana Pelouchová (Diagnoza Leukemie, Czechia)


As a patient who has experienced the challenges of people living with chronic myeloid leukemia, Jana founded a CML support organization in the Czech Republic to provide information, educate patients and engage them in discussions about blood malignancies with national health authorities.


The organization has transformed to support patients with all types of leukemia. She became one of the co-founders of the global platform CML ADVOCATES NETWORK and a Board member (President) of the Swiss-based Leukemia Patient Advocates Foundation, the legal host of the network and, a Steering Committee member for annual summits - CML Horizons.


Since 2013, Jana has been elected as Board member (Secretary) of the European Cancer Patient Coalition based in Brussels. She represents ECPC as a patient member in the multi-stakeholder platform RARE CANCERS EUROPE and has been a member of the ECCO Patient Advisory Committee (ECCO PAC) for two terms.).


Jana is Steering Committee Member of CML Advocates Network, member of Treasurer CLL Advocates Network, member of ESMO Patient Advocacy Working Group (since 2020), member of Ethics Advisory Committee of Immune-Image Consortium (prolonged project till 2026). She is as well ECPC Vice President since 2022 and representative of ECPC at EHA Patient Advocacy Group and last but not least is Jana patient expert collaborating with EMA. All her activities are honorary and voluntary.

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